Don’t Monkey Around With Endanger Species in “Escape from Extinction Rewilding” (Movie Review)

Mike Szymanski
6 min readSep 10, 2024

“Escape from Extinction Rewilding”

Rating: 9/10

Director: Matthew R. Brady

Writers: Alex Vincent Blumberg and Peter Meadows

Style: Documentary

Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes


Review by Mike Szymanski

The mark of a good documentary is one that will make you take notice, react emotionally, or angrily, and go out and do something about it. Usually right away. Usually you are researching on your phone while the documentary is still playing. Often, you are donating to a new cause you just found out about before the movie is done.

This is such a documentary.

Often films about global warming, or the extinction of species, or the polluted environment are very depressing, hair-on-fire types of lessons. “We should have done things a long time ago,” and “it’s way too late,” are often the messages we hear in those docs.



Mike Szymanski

Journalist, writer, activist and bisexual, living with Multiple Sclerosis and Dachshunds in Hollywood.